Aisle Number: 27
Bin Number: 6
Place Packs Target Rodents: Norway Rats, Roof Rats and House Mice Rats: Apply 2–8 place packs (usually at intervals of 15–30 ft.) per placement. Maintain an uninterrupted supply of fresh bait for 10 days or until signs of rat activity cease. Two place packs contain enough bait (100 g) to kill 1–3 rats. Mice: Open pack and apply ¼–½ oz. of bait per placement. Space placements at intervals of 8–12 ft. Larger placements (up to 2 oz.) may be needed at points of very high mouse activity. Maintain an uninterrupted supply of fresh bait for 15 days or until signs of mouse activity cease. Bulk Pellets Target Rodents: Norway Rats, Roof Rats and House Mice Rats: Apply 4–16 oz. of bait (usually at intervals of 15–30 ft.) per placement. Maintain an uninterrupted supply of fresh bait for 10 days or until signs of rat activity cease. Mice: Apply ¼–½ oz. of bait per placement. Space placements at intervals of 8–12 ft. Larger placements (up to 2 oz.) may be needed at points of very high mouse activity. Maintain an uninterrupted supply of fresh bait for 15 days or until signs of mouse activity cease.
Chat with us now or give us a call for shipping costs at (773)283-2550. You can also place the order and our sales team will get back to you with shipping estimates within 24 hours.
Contact BE Atlas for Updated Pricing: (773) 283-2550
(BETA) GPT Name and Description (content under review - please confirm with B.E. Atlas before purchasing)
Havoc Bait Pellet Throw Packs designed for killing mice and rats, convenient, ready-to-use bait packs that rodents will gnaw open, providing a lethal dose in a single feeding.